
post-it notes...

well, for those of you that haven't heard first-hand, I'm a little hard to get a hold of these days... there's so many people that just use myspace as an exclusive communication tool, that I'm definitely out of that loop - I haven't been on myspace more than once or twice a week, as of late... & it's alarming how many of those myspace users are content to believe that myspace is gonna be around forever...

well, anyways, I pretty much post here from my email, & as I've mentioned before, I have been trying to get more done online without being online - which has also brought a new issue...

I love Thunderbird... Mozilla Thunderbird... I can do so much with so little...

so, what's the problem?... well, I'll tell ya... yahoo thinks that we in the U.S.A. should have to pay for POP access (not the rest of the world, just us)... so everyone who thinks that they have the best email to reach me may want to rethink that for a second...
& then comes GMail... I'm not as sold on Google as I have been on Yahoo!, but it does seem to be the only serious competition Yahoo is likely to see anytime soon... either way, alot of things about GMail are truly refreshing & helpful in very individual ways... obviously that rant about GMail also means that they have free POP access (meaning I can do it all from Thunderbird)...

Now, I'm not giving up on Yahoo!, & I'm well aware that there are atleast two workarounds for this predicament, but me being online less means I am unable to devote extra time to making these little nuisances work...
so in the meantime, email me at my GMail address, which, many of you know, is likely to be GammaKrikit (!)... then the @ symbol... then gmail.com... (!)

I still check my yahoo address but it's not nearly every day like the gmail...
any workarounds I might not know about?...

thanx Peter B. (see link on the sidebar) for the invite, by the way...

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