

I am so...




Hulk get mad! Hulk get strong! Hulk get... makeover?!...

man, I'm so diggin' my new blog template (with my first real customized header )... yes, that does mean I didn't get anything new scanned for Chirping Krikit yet, but damn the Hulk looks nice on that header...
& on the bright side - Chirping Krikit will get an equally potent makeover soon...


oh my stars & garters...

man, it's always something... but in any event, I can't feel too bad about not breaking my back over getting papers in on time with such ridiculous opposition - although I can still hope to atleast pass...


such a vile font...

I hate times new roman!  am I the only one?

"to live"...

went to LAXative airport with Joe the other day - we were seeing off his parents (takin' off for two weeks)... I started to try to draw this chick in the food court area, but she got up when I had barely started - oh well, she was uninspiring anyway

& anyways, I've done some fun sketches since then (which I'll be posting at Chirping Krikit sometime later today)(or the next day), so I'll be okay...

watched Ikiru again (doing a paper on it for english class)... if you haven't seen that movie, seriously, you should...


a/s/l?... american sign language?!?...

stupid web 'bots

so the other night, I get messaged by another one of these web-porn-peddlers masquerading as a cybering chick (the script never changes either)...
these things are so ridiculous, so my responses are very silly...

in deference to my mom, who reads this weblog, I've only posted a snippet here - but if you're a deviant & you wanna read the rest, click on it...

oh, & I posted a new writ over at chirping krikit...


you know you wanna Stumble on over...

well, I just got done hooking up the new stumble/digg/del.icio.us code on the weblog here (& over at chirping krikit)... the StumbleUpon thing was put on earlier in the week, but I just got around to putting up the other two... needless to say, I use StumbleUpon...
I'm fairly new to the other two, & I've always liked the simplicity of StumbleUpon... been using it for a few years... comparitively, way before I had even heard of Digg or del.icio.us
don't get me wrong, they seem like interesting sites, just new to me... & besides, StumbleUpon seems to be the one that needs more promotion at this point...

oh, & I put up a Patch drawing over at chirping krikit...


is it my fault that ya can't kill me?...

over... whelming...

just got in from the gym - hopefully I start going more regularly again...

the Getty the other day was... interesting
we got off to a late start, & the trip kinda got hijacked - add the fact that I couldn't eat or shave beforehand, & you got me disgruntled... atleast for awhile...
the funny thing is, by then everyone else was getting moody from hunger - ha!
1st time I've ever been to the Getty that you couldn't get people to stay long enough to see the garden... amazing

keeping with that feeling, I am really not looking forward to class tomorrow...


it's today already?...

well, today is 24 Hour Comics Day as I explained over in the Chirping Krikit blog...

& later after waking up, I have to go to the Getty - yeah, I know I just went there... it's for English class (yeah, I dunno either).... the funny thing is, the instructor's given us a criteria for evaluating a painting or two that may be bigger than the one's we used to get for various art classes... ah, well... atleast I like going to the Getty...
have you been?... you should go - seriously, it's free (save parking), & it's a nice environment - a museum you could actually go to for various reasons...

maybe I'll write about it with a little more articulation tomorrow (if I don't wait 'till I'm half-asleep)...


crap on a stick...

*vauge to the casual reader alert!*

I really don't see how I'm supposed to get these things done with saved docs not being where they're supposed to be - by the time I realize what happened, it's 1:30am & I no longer care... g'night folks


and now you know...

I'm tired... but before I crash, did anyone know that today (Tuesday 10.03.06) is the "Day Against DRM"? (DRM is Digital Rights Management - you know, the stuff that messed up your computer if you bought the Velvet Revolver CD last year [among others])...
check it out - see what all the fuss is about...

...& knowing is half the battle