
I am not my own Grampa...

some years back, I found this old business card of my Grandfathers' on my father's side (whom I never met)... kinda interesting & nostalgic-looking...

busy bee cafe front

the real kicker, it seems, is on the back of the card...

busy bee cafe back

don't ask me - I have no idea...

parting thought before bedtime...

I just saw Millenium Actress... good movie... go see it...

oh, & it's my sister's birthday today (9.30), so you should spam her with happy jargon...


the aftermath, part 2...

I guess I was exhausted when I posted the other day... so, here's the elaborated version...

after court, we were practically already in Chinatown, so we hung around a bit - went to this one shop so Joe could get a boba drink (although they hadn't made it yet), & we could get smoothies & bread-type items...

while outside of the shop, Jennifer ended up squeezing this plant, it ended up shooting water in my eye... kinda funny...
then on to the Getty, where we mainly focused on the fountains, garden, & architecture... & for some reason, all of our shoes were squeaking when we were indoors...
then home, via Sepulveda & Sierra...


a little bit 'o justice...

well, it's over... it's fine... they threw out the charge (although I'm still at a loss for what the charge was supposed to be)... the court says leave me alone, officer...

so then we ended up going to the Getty... always nice...
then we took Sepulveda & Sierra all the way home (avoided the freeways)...

but that waking up at 6-ish am crap is gettin' to me, so I'm gonna go take a nap folks... wake me if anything interesting happens...


"the man" ...

so I just posted a silly little sketch in my art blog...

let's see, what else... oh, I'm goin' to court tomorrow - hopefully "the man" won't lock me up...
I'm going in for a bogus warrant that someone else with my name got on the metrolink - I don't even ride the metrolink (especially not around the time this was supposed to happen)... but that's not the part that could trip me up... see, I've got a an upaid traffic ticket - so they could be dicks about it... but that situation just reminds me of something my mom often used to say - "you can't get blood out of a turnip"... if you got ears, here that, cracka's...

thing's will probably be okay - not pleasant - but okay...


man... I am so not a morning person... gotta meet with my English teacher today (in lieu of class) we have the week off, but we gotta meet with him one day this week to go over our current paper...

then tomorrow I gotta go to court down in L.A. - more on that later (maybe)...

question... who likes mashups?


happy birthday mom!...

yesterday was my mom's birthday, so we went over to Crazy Otto's for her free meal - their veggie-burger isn't the best, but I suppose I should be happy they have one at all...

then we watched movies (Wagons East & Dr. Strangelove) & ate ice cream (!)... fun stuff...


let's try this again...

I'm not too happy with having to confuse the whole blog issue again, but here we go... maybe this one will turn out better...

I need photography-gloves...

apparently, timing is still everything... I'm still not sold on digital-inking... I found my kneeded eraser (!)... & hopefully, I'll upload something tonight...

today's links...




why the hell...


the internet is for...

well apparently there's no internet at home for a little bit, so I'm pretty much just gonna be on at school (that's okay - myspace is wearing thin anyways)...

but if you actually message me for some reason, keep in mind you won't get a response until I can get somewhere & respond...


what's my blog worth?...

this is hilarious - I entered in the url for my art blog & got this...

My blog is worth $1,693.62.
How much is your blog worth?

even funnier, I then entered the url for this one...



did I just use that as the title? ha ha ha ha... well anyways...

so, I recently discovered that my art blog (along with this one) wasn't showing up correctly on Internet Explorer... thanx for tellin' me kids (!)...

I hadn't noticed because I use Firefox, & it always showed up the way it was supposed to... I know not everyone has caught on to the whole Firefox thing yet, but yeah...

so then, after noticing the problem a few more times, I checked the blogger help section with any keywords I could think of at the time - but to no avail... so I sent them a message asking why my sidebar was under the blog & what I could do to correct the problem...
I got a message back with a link to the correct help article, & promptly went about fixing my art blog... & it worked...

but low & behold this morning... the one you are currently reading (or not reading, depending on the annoyance factor of the way it looks) was not only incorrect in Internet Explorer, but also in Firefox, as well (!)...
of course I then went into the mode of trying to fix the damn thing, same as the art blog, but nothin' doin'... I adjusted the images that were too big for their fields (per the help articles instructions), but as of this writing, it still looks like the blog is standing on the sidebar's head - friggin' great...

maybe I pissed-off Blogger with my insolent questioning... on the other hand, it could just be a coincidental hiccup caused by all this updated & blogger beta stuff that's goin' on...
(pssst... if you can help, this would be a good time to comment)

*ammendment - this was originally posted at jiminykrikit.blogspot.com... which should tell you that the problem didn't get resolved without me having to move again (albeit barely)... just bookmark www.gammakrikit.tk & you'll move along with me, should this ever happen again...


vent, vent...

what the crap is up with all these simple things taking so much effort or ending up lacking...

*if this part (or parts) doesn't make sense to you, it's probably not supposed to:
books I haven't seen yet... eating... a green pig... a talk that's beneficial to one party only... never trust virgotic females that play the victim &/or devil's advocate (it's damn-near the only way they know)... one long thumbnail... I don't wanna wear a tux!... an empty but unused 'puter lab... pain is better than numb - period... an underhanded attempt at imposing one's opinion (& a suspect filter)... oh, where is my hairbrush... leave the socks alone!... & finally - yes, double-standards happen & no, it is never okay...

bad situations not withstanding - between crappy motivations & other selfishness in general, it's a wonder anything happens at all...