
you know you wanna Stumble on over...

well, I just got done hooking up the new stumble/digg/del.icio.us code on the weblog here (& over at chirping krikit)... the StumbleUpon thing was put on earlier in the week, but I just got around to putting up the other two... needless to say, I use StumbleUpon...
I'm fairly new to the other two, & I've always liked the simplicity of StumbleUpon... been using it for a few years... comparitively, way before I had even heard of Digg or del.icio.us
don't get me wrong, they seem like interesting sites, just new to me... & besides, StumbleUpon seems to be the one that needs more promotion at this point...

oh, & I put up a Patch drawing over at chirping krikit...


Anonymous said...

Ooh, buttons. I love buttons :).
I might make a toolbar at the top of my pages with those on. I was trying to find out the SU submit URL, but couldn't.

Unknown said...

yeah, I found the StumbleUpon stuff here: http://www.stumbleupon.com/integrate.php