
oooo, raw...

well, I think I'm done being sick... & I posted over at chirping krikit the other day...

I think I'm gonna be playing with the new Blogger Beta thing (since I just switched last week or so), so things might be a bit disheveled for a bit...

oh, 3-hour Raw tonight (unless you're on the East Coast, then it's a tad too late)...


"it's not the girl from Eureka?"

man, I absolutely hate it when people spoil animals - they should not have pets...
yes, there's a reason for that rant... & no, I'm not going to say any more about it...

so I saw Painkiller Jane last night... kinda fun - had Richard Roundtree in it... & it was based on a comic by Joe Quesada & Jimmy Palmiotti...
& since the IMDB terms prevent my rebuttal of the daft post I saw on the movie page, I'll just put it here:
"I'm compelled to mention that comparisons to Dark Angel are a joke, as that series was nothing, if not various comic book elements thrown in a blender & genericized...
also, if someone isn't a fan of b-movies & they're watching the Sci-Fi channel, they obviously aren't paying any kind of attention..."

oh, & my Grampa sent a package of cheeses & things (thanks!)...

& I'm working on being online less, but posting more (!)...


I am my own expectorate...

so I've been kinda sick lately - rarely happens, but when it does, it holds on for dear life (so to speak)...

so I wake up every morning & kinda feel better, but then I guess being upright starts the whole trickle back into my throat or whatever, & I'm coughing again - although not so much this morning, I must admit...

so I guess I'm on the cusp, if you will (the only time I can use the word "cusp" & keep a straight face) (nevermind, I just smirked)....


oh, and I got two chrismas cards the other day - one from Adam & Jodie, & one from my dad... fun stuff... (both of yours should be on the way)


no links today, as the internet & I are not playing nice at the moment... but hey, look at the new link buttons on the side there...
& don't forget to watch Sam Jackson host the VGA's on Spike tonight (you know you wanna)...


"you watched a movie called what?"

so I have a new obsession with Last FM... I like all that posterity crap, heh... plus, I still love finding new music (when the opportunity arises)...
oh, I saw The Marine today... was pretty good (assuming you like action movies) ooo, & there was another Ghost Rider trailer...
& now, the links for my amusement (okay fine, you can be amused too - but don't let it get to your head)...